Values driven leadership: what does it mean and how to become a value driven leader?

5 min readNov 25, 2020

Summary: This article is intended for all current or future leaders who want to improve their leadership qualities, relationships in a team or with clients, as well as the results of their performance, relying on themselves and their values, and not just on ideas, teachings, concepts, or social expectations, which we strive to comply with.

Who are value driven leaders?

Often we make rational decisions but wonder why life does not satisfy us, or why other people don’t follow and hear us or don’t perceive us as a leader. If we follow external concepts on how and what should be done — what an employer, society, family expects — it is very easy to get lost in these expectations and stop counting and relying on ourselves and our own perception of a given situation. Therefore, before we start thinking about becoming a leader, it is important to understand ourselves: Who we are? What are our values? What are our goals? What are our needs? What motivates us? What drives us to our goal?

Value driven leaders are those who live and lead their teams based on their core values, such as love, trust, respect, belief in success, confidence in the future, loyalty, commitment to their work, etc.

What do value driven leaders do differently?

  • They know their values and can reach life balance. They can strike a proper balance between life and work, family, friends, hobbies, and commitments. They are capable of focusing equally well on personal growth, career, health and recreation. They take good notice of their physical environment and know how to make sound money without neglecting other areas of their lives.
  • They are capable of communicating these values to other people. Just one example: the value of trust is important to you but trust can be understood differently by different people. For someone it is to say that you will be on time, while for another it is to share all important news. Therefore, when you communicate with people, whether in the context of business or private affairs, it is important not only to mention the importance of the value of trust but also to explain what it means to you.
  • They can admit their mistakes and recognise the right of another person to make a mistake. It is often difficult to admit mistakes, especially in front of subordinates or family members. Often people want to resemble the superheroes, the ones who don’t make mistakes or say wrong things. But this is nothing else than escapism from reality, because we all make mistakes. Admitting our own mistake, telling our opponent that he is right is a high quality value and a skill that allows us to be honest with ourselves and with another person and to find the best way out of any situation. When we know how to admit our own mistakes, then while interacting with others, we recognise their right to make mistakes, thereby giving our common relationship more chances. Of course, some errors may be acceptable, some may not. It is up to us to make a choice.
  • They select a company and employees for a team with similar values and views. It is important to make the right choice of the environment. If the environment is chosen incorrectly (for example, only by knowledge and practical skills’ level), there are fair chances that a person won’t be able to become a fully recognised member of a team. We all know far too well that employees are chosen for their technical knowledge, but they get fired most often for personal reasons.
  • They do not blame others for their own choices. It’s about taking responsibility for personal decisions. Value driven leaders do not blame others if the choices do not match. There may be different points of view. Such leaders know how to distinguish a person from his choice. Another choice does not mean that the one who has made it is an enemy. Value driven leaders can see their own worth as well as the value of the others, accept and respect their choices and opinions without having to agree or disagree in a dramatic manner, ending all relationships.

The list of the value driven leaders’ qualities is endless, we have selected the most frequently encountered ones at a given time. When a person lives according to his values, over time he learns to live without drama and trauma. This does not mean that there will be no pain or disappointment in life. This means that a person always makes a choice in favor of himself — at least, he will never give up on himself; he will never become disappointed in himself, and, more importantly, he will be able to support himself in any situation.

If you want to live without drama, injuries and losses; if you want to improve your leadership qualities; if you want to achieve your goals; if, finally, you want to be fulfilled and happy — it’s time to act now. Book a coaching and training session with one of our team members. Our team has experience, knowledge, and skills. We have worked with such companies as Credit Suisse, UBS, Novartis, Nestle, Lonza, GSK, IKEA.

“All the world’s a stage,

And all the men and women merely players…”

(W. Shakespeare, As You Like It)

We believe that each and every one of us is not only a leading actor but first and foremost a writer of our own destiny. Overwhelmed by life events, we may unintentionally forget that we are the sole playwrights of our own lives. We may even unwittingly drop or lose the thread of our unfolding life story. Then, we start questioning ourselves and let others do the writing for us. Doesn’t this happen to all of us occasionally? The best thing we can do is to resume the leadership as soon as we can: only we should write the play of our life!

With the renewed confidence and new skills, we design new perspectives. Coaching and training are the best instruments we use to achieve this goal.

